New Mexico Green Chile
(Mild, Medium, & Hot)
Roasted, Peeled, Chopped, and Shelf Stable
All of Los Roast Chile is sourced from farmers in Hatch, NM and is verified New Mexico grown by the NM State Dept. of Agriculture.
We strive to provide the highest quality green chile sold anywhere. You'll never find artificial preservatives or flavor changing vinegar in these jars. We use only a small amount of lime juice to lower the Ph of the peppers, while a pinch of salt and dash garlic maintains and enlivens the flavor. Los Roast Green Chile is vegan, and gluten-free. It comes packed with a healthy dose of heat and lots of Vitamin C.
Despite our stringent guidelines for authentic flavor and natural preservation techniques, jars of Los Roast Green Chile still have a two-year shelf life when left sealed.
Green Chile can be added to almost anything. See our recipes section for traditional or creative dishes using this uniquely southwestern plant!
-Where to Buy-
-Where it's Served-
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New Mexico Red Chile
(Original Roasted)
Roasted, Peeled, Chopped, and Shelf Stable
Our premiere red chile product is unlike the traditional powdered red chile. It goes through the same process as our green chile, only it fully matures on the vine first. The sugars and spice have time to fully develop which lends to the sweetness and forward heat of this New Mexico Chile pepper.
An excellent compliment to anything green chile oriented. Makes a wonderful red salsa, and goes great with any Mediterranean antipasti.
Explore the variety of the New Mexico Chile pepper with Los Roast Roasted Red Chile.